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Database Integration


When we configured our Job Template the system has automatically created a Data Exchange Table for us. Records in data exchange tables represent jobs that the system will try to process during issuance.

We will populate data exchange tables with personalization data that will be used to update entities values before engraving. Data exchange tables also contain columns, managed by AIDA, that are used to persist workflows execution status and results.

The system database is directly accessible to integrations, use your favorite connector / tools to interact with it.

Table names, column names and column types, can be retrieved using the ETL Service API. Once you have them, you can construct SQL statements to populate the database.

System Database

Systems controlled by AIDA host an instance of MariaDB configured as follows:

Property NameValueDescription
INSTALLDIRd:\apps\mysql\bin\Installation root
DATADIRd:\apps\mysql\data\Location of the data directory
PORT3306--port parameter for the server
PASSWORDrootPassword of the root user
ALLOWREMOTEROOTACESS1Allow login as root from remote hosts

The ETL Service

The component of AIDA that generates Data Exchange Tables using metadata retrived from SJF Files is the ETL (Extract Transform Load) Service.

We can query the ETL Service to obtain Data Exchange Tables names and the list of columns that map to personalization data.

Retriving Data Exchange Tables DDL

Data Exchange Tables DDL can be retrieved as follows

HTTP Request - Getting tables DDL
GET /AIDA/v1/etl/{jobId}/exchange-table-ddl
Accept: application/json

The services returns an object containing the table name, and sql to create the table if needed.

Response Body
"sql": "\nDROP TABLE IF EXISTS `__DET__Demo_Box`;\nCREATE TABLE `__DET__Demo_Box` (\n`job_id` int primary key not null auto_increment,\n`job_status` varchar(255),\n`create_timestamp` datetime default NOW(),\n`update_timestamp` datetime,\n`start_timestamp` datetime,\n`complete_timestamp` datetime,\n`workflow_id` varchar(255),\n`workflow_status` varchar(255),\n`step_id` varchar(255),\n`step_name` varchar(255),\n`stack_trace` longtext default null,\n`Front_DemoBox_000__Signature` MEDIUMBLOB,\n`Front_DemoBox_001__lblName` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_002__Name` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_003__lblSurname` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_004__Surname` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_005__lblDateOfBirth` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_006__DateOfBirth` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_007__lblNationality` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_008__Nationality` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_009__lblPlaceOfBirth` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_010__PlaceOfBirth` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_011__lblExpiryDate` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_012__ExpiryDate` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_013__lblSignature` VARCHAR(255),\n`Front_DemoBox_014__bmpPicture` MEDIUMBLOB,\n`Front_DemoBox_015__Logo` VARCHAR(255),\n`Rear_DemoBox_000__WebSite` VARCHAR(255),\n`Rear_DemoBox_001__Logo` VARCHAR(255)\n) charset=utf8mb4;\n",
"tableName": "__DET__Demo_Box"

The contents of the sql field properly formatted look like this:

DDL of data exchange table generated for 'Demo Box'
CREATE TABLE `__DET__Demo_Box` (
# Fieds used by AIDA to persist workflows execution status and results
`job_id` int primary key not null auto_increment,
`job_status` varchar(255),
`create_timestamp` datetime default NOW(),
`update_timestamp` datetime,
`start_timestamp` datetime,
`complete_timestamp` datetime,
`workflow_id` varchar(255),
`workflow_status` varchar(255),
`step_id` varchar(255),
`step_name` varchar(255),
`stack_trace` longtext default null,
# Fields that contain Personalization Data, populated by integrations
# Front_DemoBox.sjf
`Front_DemoBox_000__Signature` MEDIUMBLOB,
`Front_DemoBox_001__lblName` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_002__Name` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_003__lblSurname` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_004__Surname` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_005__lblDateOfBirth` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_006__DateOfBirth` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_007__lblNationality` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_008__Nationality` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_009__lblPlaceOfBirth` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_010__PlaceOfBirth` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_011__lblExpiryDate` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_012__ExpiryDate` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_013__lblSignature` VARCHAR(255),
`Front_DemoBox_014__bmpPicture` MEDIUMBLOB,
`Front_DemoBox_015__Logo` VARCHAR(255),
# Rear_DemoBox.sjf
`Rear_DemoBox_000__WebSite` VARCHAR(255),
`Rear_DemoBox_001__Logo` VARCHAR(255)
) charset=utf8mb4;

Retrieving Entity Names

HTTP Request - Retrieving Entity Descriptors
GET /AIDA/v1/etl/1/entities
Accept: application/json
Response Body
"entityIndex": 0,
"entityName": "Front_DemoBox_000__Signature",
"groupName": "Front_DemoBox",
"displayName": "Signature",
"valueType": "Image"

Entity names, map 1-to-1 with column names in Data Exchange Tables. We can use this information to generate SQL that populates our tables. Eg.

INSERT INTO `__DET__Demo_Box` (
`Rear_DemoBox_001__Logo`) VALUES ( .. ),( .. ),( .. );

We are only populating fields that map to entities values. AIDA's managed fields can be ignored when providing data