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Configure Job Templates

Job Templates

Job templates are configuration containers that provide the system with the information required to start issuing cards, such as:

  • Layouts - Association between SJF Files and the Card Side on which they should be printed
  • XY Auto-Positioning Settings - gives AIDA references to correctly position Entities before engraving
  • OCR Settings - Used for data integrity checks
  • Data Source Settings - Data Source Settings define where and how the system will retrive personalization data for engraving. Although the system is designed to support different kinds of data sources, the current version supports only relational databases.
Job template
Job template
OCR Settings
OCR S...
AutoPos Settings
DataSource Settings

Job Templates can be easily created and configued from the WebApp using its setup wizard.

Job Template Setup Wizard


Click the API tab to see how equivalent actions can be performed using REST API calls.

Use the table of contents on the right to navigate between steps

Opening the Template Wizard

Click + button to open the job tempalte setup wizard

1. Create a new Job Template

Provide a name and a description for your template and click the CREATE TEMPLATE button

2. Upload SJF Files

Now we will need to import SJF Files into the system. Click ADD NEW to open the file dialog

Select the files you want to import and click Open

Click UPLOAD to start transferring the files you selected. AIDA stores the uploaded files and indexes entity metadata in its database.

3. Create Layouts

Layouts are SJF Files assigned to a Job Template and a card side. AIDA uses this information during issuance to correctly position the card before marking.

The GUI shows a list of previously imported SJF Files. Select files that you want to print on the front side of the card and click NEXT

Do the same for the rear side.

4. Attach a Data Source

The last thing to do is to generate the database tables that we will use to provide personalization data and schedule jobs.

Go ahead and click CREATE DATASOURCE to complete the configuration. Flagging the Generate mock dataset checkbox will populate the generated tables with mock data. This might be useful for testing purposes.

We're done!

We have created and configured our first job template. Keep reading to see how we can populate Data Exchange Tables with personalization data and finally start issuing cards.